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The 90 Day Year Review

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9/4/19 Update: Todd is holding his highly anticipated event soon and if you are serious about performance you need to check it out here.

Update: Todd Herman just reopened the doors to his 90 Day Year program here. Check it out now as it’s only going to be available for a very limited time + he’s got a few cool bonuses for you.

Welcome to this 90 Day Year review video.

Hey, this is Daniel Audunsson here and today I wanted to shoot a quick video for you, talking briefly about the 90 day year program by Todd Herman.

This is what I personally use every single day to manage my own planning and productivity and it’s incredibly powerful. This is the best system of, it’s kind, that I’ve ever come across.

This is why I use it every single day. To prove that point, even this year, this program won the Stevie Awards as the best leadership and skills development program in the world. That should tell you a lot of the quality and caliber this program is on.

It’s world-class.

It’s really going to help you become a world-class entrepreneur, quickly. I couldn’t recommend anything higher, there’s nothing more valuable to that if you want to be an entrepreneur.

I just want to mention a couple of things to give you a feeling for this program.

First, 90 days, what does that mean?

What that means, what that is alluding to, is the fact that science has shown that people can only plan about 90 days in advance at any given time. If it’s longer than that it’s really more of a vision. But you can plan about 90 days in advance.

The meaning of that really, the 90 day year, is that, if you do this properly, if you plan 90 days and you could properly own them, you can get the same result, you can do as much as most people do in a year, in just 90 days.

That’s why Todd’s program is called the 90 day year.

Second, point is strategic planning.

It’s incredibly important to plan in a certain way. A plan in a strategic manner versus just in some other manner. Because if you do it in a strategic manner, you’re really going to be getting results. All your action that you’re going to be focused on in the 90 days is all targeted to get the result you’re after, which is your outcome goal.

You have your outcome goal, you have some projects you work on during the 90 days to get that outcome goal. Then with each project you have tasks that you work on.

So every day you do certain tasks to work on the project to get closer to the outcome goal of the 90 days.

That’s really the gist of that. Of course, there’s more to it, but in this video I’m just going to give you a brief overview.

Next thing is execution. A plan without execution is useless. The true secret to success as an entrepreneur is very simple. It’s really understanding how to plan strategically, properly, and then knowing, understanding how to, but also being able to, then execute efficiently, continuously over time on that plan. That’s how you get results. That’s how you reach your goals. You always know what to do, really, to get the goal. The issue most people have is not planning it properly, what do I have to do? Then, obviously, not executing properly or taking very long. To be a world class entrepreneur you really got to know how to plan and then execute. That’s it. That’s really what you got to understand. That’s the skills you got to develop and that’s what this program is all about. It’s about performance and becoming an elite performer, just like an athlete would be or a general in the military or something like that.

A plan without execution is useless. The true secret to success as an entrepreneur is very simple. It’s really understanding how to plan strategically, properly, and then knowing, understanding how to, but also being able to, then execute efficiently, continuously over time on that plan. That’s how you get results. That’s how you reach your goals. You always know what to do, really, to get the goal. The issue most people have is not planning it properly, what do I have to do? Then, obviously, not executing properly or taking very long. To be a world class entrepreneur you really got to know how to plan and then execute. That’s it. That’s really what you got to understand. That’s the skills you got to develop and that’s what this program is all about. It’s about performance and becoming an elite performer, just like an athlete would be or a general in the military or something like that.

The true secret to success as an entrepreneur is very simple. It’s really understanding how to plan strategically, properly, and then knowing, understanding how to, but also being able to, then execute efficiently, continuously over time on that plan. That’s how you get results. That’s how you reach your goals. You always know what to do, really, to get the goal. The issue most people have is not planning it properly, what do I have to do? Then, obviously, not executing properly or taking very long. To be a world class entrepreneur you really got to know how to plan and then execute. That’s it. That’s really what you got to understand. That’s the skills you got to develop and that’s what this program is all about. It’s about performance and becoming an elite performer, just like an athlete would be or a general in the military or something like that.

That’s how you get results. That’s how you reach your goals. You always know what to do, really, to get the goal. The issue most people have is not planning it properly, what do I have to do? Then, obviously, not executing properly or taking very long. To be a world class entrepreneur you really got to know how to plan and then execute. That’s it. That’s really what you got to understand. That’s the skills you got to develop and that’s what this program is all about. It’s about performance and becoming an elite performer, just like an athlete would be or a general in the military or something like that.

That’s how you reach your goals. You always know what to do, really, to get the goal. The issue most people have is not planning it properly, what do I have to do? Then, obviously, not executing properly or taking very long. To be a world class entrepreneur you really got to know how to plan and then execute. That’s it. That’s really what you got to understand. That’s the skills you got to develop and that’s what this program is all about. It’s about performance and becoming an elite performer, just like an athlete would be or a general in the military or something like that.

You always know what to do, really, to get the goal. The issue most people have is not planning it properly, what do I have to do? Then, obviously, not executing properly or taking very long. To be a world class entrepreneur you really got to know how to plan and then execute. That’s it. That’s really what you got to understand. That’s the skills you got to develop and that’s what this program is all about. It’s about performance and becoming an elite performer, just like an athlete would be or a general in the military or something like that.

The issue most people have is not planning it properly, what do I have to do? Then, obviously, not executing properly or taking very long. To be a world class entrepreneur you really got to know how to plan and then execute. That’s it. That’s really what you got to understand. That’s the skills you got to develop and that’s what this program is all about. It’s about performance and becoming an elite performer, just like an athlete would be or a general in the military or something like that.

Then, obviously, not executing properly or taking very long. To be a world class entrepreneur you really got to know how to plan and then execute. That’s it. That’s really what you got to understand. That’s the skills you got to develop and that’s what this program is all about. It’s about performance and becoming an elite performer, just like an athlete would be or a general in the military or something like that.

There’s a couple of things we use for execution, some tools that are provided with the program, such as the Eisenhower Matrix, which I want to explain, incredibly powerful, the Entrepreneurial Scorecard System, it basically allows you review yourself and your performance every single day and learn from that, what should I delegate, what should I focus more time on, what should I focus less time on, things like that. It also gives you clarity on what to do every single day, what tasks to do before anything else, so you stay on track and what your focus on what you’re actioning is driving you closer to the result that you’re after. That’s really important. Things like that, tools within the system, that enable you to execute and be disciplined and really help you perform world class, after you plan correctly.

It also gives you clarity on what to do every single day, what tasks to do before anything else, so you stay on track and what your focus on what you’re actioning is driving you closer to the result that you’re after.

That’s really important.

Things like that, tools within the system, that enable you to execute and be disciplined and really help you perform world class, after you plan correctly.

The coolest thing, really, about the program, besides all this information, this is of course unique, this structure this setup the way it is is unique in the 90 day year program and it’s the best I’ve seen.

It works incredibly well for me. But then, there’s this 90 day year planner. I actually have six of those here. I bought six because I just want to stock up on these things because I use them every day. This is the 90 day year planner. Everything you learn in the program is inside of this planner in a practical manner. You would plan a 90 day year, first, then every single day, every week you have certain sheets to fill out that make sure you’re staying on track, you’re executing on the strategy, you’re performing in a way that gives you results and you’re getting closer to the goal, which is critical. It has the tools inside of it to enable you to remain disciplined and remain focused and really facilitate your performance. It’s amazing, so so powerful. This is available to you only if you have the program.

It’s not for sale anywhere else, exclusive to the members of the program.

If you want to learn more about this program, that’s about it I’m not going to talk about more things in this video because I wanted to keep it rather short for you, but if you want to learn more about the program you can go here.

And there’s an in-depth review there that you can read through and look at. If you are interested in buying the program, you’ll find our 90 Day Year bonus.

Ryan and I have created a really good bonus for you. I’ve got some things I’ve added to the program that I do, that I’ve learned from somewhere else that really works for me.

For example, we’ll be sharing that in the bonus, if you buy through us. Again, if you want to learn more about the program or you want to learn more about the bonus, that we provide those who buy the program through us which would, honestly, be the best investment you can ever make as an entrepreneur.

If you want to learn more about the program or see our bonuses, again, go to

That’s it for this video.

Thank you so much for watching.