How To Build Your Product Listing For BIG RESULTS – Amazon FBA Private Labeling
In this article, I want to share with you the most important elements of an Amazon FBA Private Label product listing and how to really build one that gets traffic and converts, which are two of the most important roles of an Amazon FBA Private Label product listing.
This is an incredibly important topic and I think you get a lot out of this. So come join me as I show you exactly how this works with some cool flowcharts.
(By the way, you can get full access to our FREE Amazon FBA crash course here.)
Setting Up The Product
Now let’s talk about setting up the product on Amazon. So it’s very important for you to understand that the product page is your only page for the product on Amazon. It is an absolutely critical asset. This is like your sales page; it’s the only true page to sell your product on Amazon.
And it serves two purposes: Number one is to bring in traffic. Thus, it must be optimized to show up in search because that’s where the majority of the traffic from Amazon, or organic Amazon traffic, is going to come from.
Number two is to bring in sales. Thus, it must be optimized to convert. With that in mind, let’s cover each topic here in a bit more detail. As part of the research for the product validation phase, you should have identified a set of one to five search terms to focus on with your product to start with to help you gain traffic. We already covered this here early on in the crash course.
Search Traffic
To start, we want to focus on one to five search terms only with the product. This is very important. Then simply combine these at the very front of the title, and place each one on one of five backend search term fields you have when you set up the listing. Do not stuff it with a bunch of random search terms; just use the ones you want to focus on. Bullet points and the description are far less important here when it comes to the search.
Basically 80% of it is just the title and the backend term fields. Then, it’s your click through rates from the search, or how relevant your product is and how good your title is, as well as the main image. As I mentioned, the click through rate is really important. This is what people see when they search if your product is showing up, or ranking.
You want the click through rate to be really optimized so that people want to click on your product – that is critically important.
Here’s a tip for you. You can start your title with an all caps differentiator. For example, including the word “premium” in all caps. Doing this has kind of been a trademark of mine for a long time. You can also use terms like “number one rated,” “best selling,” “brand new.” It should be noted that this is not really within Amazon’s terms of service, so you may be asked to remove the term, but that’s fine. You can easily just remove it.
But trust me, the click through rate improvement you might see from that can really have a massive impact for you when you’re starting out. And Amazon obviously likes high click through rates. But just like with all caps terms, you can also add some icons in the image, which is also done to increase the click through rate. But this is also not really allowed, so if Amazon tells you to remove it, do so immediately. Sometimes you won’t get any notifications on this and that’s fine.
Conversions Are King
Now when it comes to conversions for your product, we will look at the whole product listing and, more specifically, the anatomy of a product listing. So here is the layout of product listings:
It starts with the product title, then you have the images and bullet points below that, then the description, questions, answers and finally the reviews.
Using the Right Images
The most important thing here for conversions, by far, is your image selection.
The product title is probably the most important thing of all; you need that to be done right to really rank again and get the right traffic and click through rate so people come to your listing.
But your main image also needs to be attractive. Now when someone is on the actual listing, the images become critical.
They really tell the story about your products. You want to make sure that the images are really good and high quality. Personally, I’ve used 3D renders for a long time now because the quality you’ll get from 3D rendering is way higher then you can ever get from photography. And the cool thing is that it’s actually less expensive. It’s time consuming so it’s not completely inexpensive, but it’s less expensive than professional photography.
Plus the logistics of it are way, way simpler. There are so many benefits to this process. The quality, like I said, is much better as you have much more control over shadows and shine and angles. Once it’s been created once, that 3D render model of the product, you can also reuse it at any time for a new image.
So it’s really important for you to have a good 3D render artist in your corner to help you with not only the quality and how the product looks and feels, but also to make it really stand out. You can also include infographics, lifestyle images (the product being used), or you can have a combination of the two so that it’s really attractive.
Over time, it’s critical to continue to improve and work on the images. They will then have a bigger and bigger appeal to your audience and give you a higher and higher conversion rate.
Now that you only have three to five search terms, you can really, really laser target those with your images. Tell a story with them to attract more visitors to your listing. Let’s take the example I’ve used previously here in the Crash Course. If someone types in “black, glass, French, coffee press,” then the glass element, for example, is important, as well as the color black. So you really need to display that.
Let’s say another search term is “waterproof.” That would probably not be for a French press, but for something else like a waterproof watch. Then, you would really want to display in the images that it’s waterproof because that’s something someone has in their brain when they’re looking for that term. So if you want to rank with that term, if you want people to get to your product from that search, you want to really appeal to them based off of that search with images first, then with the rest of the actual listing.
Another thing with the images that’s cool, if you do 3D rendering, is that now you can have your images made before the product is even made so they can be ready from day one. If you did it with a photographer, then you would have to send the product once it’s ready to the photographer. That can delay you by weeks and you wouldn’t be able to launch the product like right on time. And if anything changes, then you would have to go through that whole process again with the photographer; with 3D renders, you can just quickly make edits. So it’s really, really, powerful stuff, 3D renders for images. And you want to really use the space, the eight images you have, well.
Bullet Points
Bullet points are also important for conversions. You want to highlight the benefits and the value in the bullet points, and make them clear and concise. This is also another way for you to really optimize conversions and improve the sales and success of your product because conversions are everything on Amazon. So you can experiment and test bullet points to optimize them over time.
I like to set the description up to be bit more detailed information on the actual product, pretty much like a small sales letter. This would perhaps tell more of a story behind the product while also really highlighting its features.
Questions & Answers
For the questions and answers, you can seed them right away. Put some questions and answers in there. Also, you really want to be diligent with answering people. And I’ll talk about that later in the Crash Course when you go on to the maintenance.
Finally, the reviews, of course, very important. We have some really special cool methods for gaining reviews, which we teach our students in Infinity Code. Obviously, you want to get reviews organically by selling the product, so everything we’ve been talking about. And then really optimize that.
Respond to every review, and ideally the best reviews will be showing up first. If you can get video reviews or images in the review, that’s really, really helpful.
The Big Takeaway
The big thing here with setting up your product on Amazon is for you to understand that conversions are king on Amazon. When it comes to being successful on Amazon, conversions are everything. I see a lot of people misunderstand this part of it. They believe that somehow, through marketing and other tactics, they can just ignore this part or forget about it or not really think about it. Basically, if you act this way, you’re saying, “If people don’t want to buy my product then I’m going to force them to with marketing.”
But that’s just never going to work. Because if you think about it, when you come to Amazon, you’ve got a ton of options. Why would you ever buy a product that you don’t really want to buy? Why would you ever choose to buy this product versus another one if the other one is more attractive? It’s more along the lines of what you want, it’s more appealing, it’s got more proof of concept or more social proof as part of the equation.
You must get your product to convert well as priority number one. And you do this, first, like I showed you earlier here in the Crash Course.
Find winning search terms that really are ripe for the picking, and which you can really come in and convert well and quickly because you’re filling that gap.
Remember the flywheel. That’s step number one. Then, you must always really work to iterate and optimize. I’m going to show you how to analyze and optimize products soon in this crash course. But you must run that process so that you’re measuring and testing and scientifically iterating on the product conversions and improving them over time.
That’s really the only way to truly succeed long term with a product on Amazon, in a massive way. It’s not just about getting some sales here and there, but about really making it explode in success.
It’s about finding one product can make you wealthy if you’ve done everything right, that has good profit margins and then it converts well.
I mean ONE product can make you wealthy.
A Few Reminders
Realize that I don’t think anyone has ever been really successful on Amazon with a product that doesn’t convert well, it’s just that simple. So you must focus on your conversions. With the product listings, there are two things to focus on: traffic and conversions. You have to have a listing that’s optimized for traffic and specifically laser focused on the actual search terms that you’ve selected. Then, you’ll have a listing that converts, is truly successful and ranks.
That’s it for this article; I’ll see you in the next one. By the way, don’t forget to share this article with anyone that you think might enjoy it, and connect with us on Facebook.
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