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Ultimate Review of Todd Herman’s 90 Day Year Planner

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9/4/19 Update: Todd is holding his highly anticipated event soon and if you are serious about performance you need to check it out here.

Update: Todd Herman just reopened the doors to his 90 Day Year program here. Check it out now as it’s only going to be available for a very limited time + he’s got a few cool bonuses for you.

Video Transcript:

(Please note that I am an affiliate for Todd Herman’s 90 Day Year and this post does contain affiliate links, however, this is a tool I use and highly recommend)

90 Day Year Planner
Todd Herman’s 90 Day Year Planner – Photo Credit

Hey, this is Daniel here, and I wanted to shoot a quick video for you to show you inside the 90 Day Year Planner and just really talk to you about how much it has impacted me. I use it every single day and I wanna really show you how I use it and what’s inside of it and why it is so powerful. Why do I use this every single day, it’s been the most impactful tool for me personally when it comes to putting my thoughts and actions and everything in one place and organizing.

These are actually copies of the 90 Day Year Planner, so you can see that I really stock up on this thing, because I never wanna run out. Use about one per quarter if you use it every day. Yeah, I just wanna make sure that I never run out of it, because it’s so important for me, that’s why I bought like 10 of these things and just keep them good to go, ready to go. But I wanna actually go and show you inside the planner so you can see what’s inside of it, so let’s do that now.

This is the actual planner, this is where the magic happens. I wanna show you the key pages that I use over and over again. It’s designed for two-week sprints. If you’ve read about the 90 Day Year, you know that it’s based on these quarterly cycles. But, within that, we do two-week sprints. So, this is a really powerful page.

90 Day Year Planner 2 Week Sprint
Photo Credit

And basically what you do here. Every two weeks is you analyze your progress. You always look back in the planner. That’s one of the most powerful things about it. You have this all organized and you have a system, that you get used to. So, you can always go and analyze and learn from the past. And then, use that to improve the future. That’s obviously the key. So, you have a chance, you can analyze but then also obviously plan the next two weeks. I’m not going to go too in-depth on the actual 90 Day Year system here. I just want to show you the planner. But, you can see how, what is a part of the planning process, the system is in here. So, it’s all in here and you just fill it out. And then you are organized for the next two weeks.

So, you moved forward and you have a chance to really review and improve the last two weeks. The last sprint you just had. And now use that to kind of put in some notes about how you want to keep moving forward. So, basically for example, with the goals, is there anything that you’ve been working towards that you want to stop.

That this isn’t working.

Or do you feel you’re spending too much time?

If you look at the last two weeks did you spend too much time on something? You can put that in here too.

And then what should you continue to do.

What has been working?

What should you do more of?

And what should you start doing if you haven’t done it already?

Or maybe you discovered something new. And then this it applies to your goals, to your projects and processes. And also daily activities and what they call the five daily pillars. That’s basically how you rate yourself every day. But, I use this really extensively like every two weeks I really dive in deep and take in on this. Because it’s really, really valuable feedback, for myself. And also for my business, how I’m running it.

90 Day Year Daily Activity Pages
Example of the 90 Day Year Daily Activity Pages

So, I’ll see, for example, is there any project that isn’t working out. Maybe I’m spending too much time doing something. Like email, I’ll put that in here, make a note, do less of that. Maybe I’ve had good results with something. So I should do more of it, so I’ll put it in. And let’s say, this process has been working well for us, let’s do more of that now. Make a note of that.

So, this really helps organize my thoughts and it’s a really good review to repeat. The key is to repeat this, over and over and over again. Always get better and better, and figure out how you can actually improve, in the next two weeks. That’s the key with every success. All success really is continue to stick to something and improve on it. Over and over and over again. And there’s some space for notes.

Todd Hermans 90 Day Year Planner in Action
Photo Credit

But, let me get into how you actually plan your week. This is one of, obviously the most important sections. So, each and every week you want to plan the sprint. But, then you also plan each week. So, every Sunday I take about 90 minutes to really go over the week. Because the cool thing is, I’ll actually mark in the things that I’m going to do. And then plan the week. And then obviously, I’ll put themes for each day. Things I want to focus on every day.

And we have something called the 90 day theme as well. So, that’s like the theme of the quarter. Basically, I’ll put that all in here, everything I’ve got to do. And then I’ll mark it as complete or not or half complete. Or maybe I decided to postpone it, I’ll put like brackets around it. Or if I just decided not to do something or it didn’t work out. I’ll just strike it out.

But, I can look at my week in detail. After the week is done, I can really come in here and look at everything and see my progress. Did I complete everything? Did I get stuck? Did I miss something? So, nothing will get missed. So, when I plan the next week. Obviously, if there are outstanding items, I need to complete, I’ll put that into the next week. But, then I can also see if something isn’t working out or am I spending too much time on things. For example, I’ll come in and I’ll analyze what I’m spending my time on. And out of those things, I want to always try to reduce it.

So, if there’s anything that I’m continually doing, can I get rid of this thing. Or can I delegate it? Can I automate it? I’ll try to figure that out so I can see things that I’m repeatedly doing that it’s probably time for me to delegate that. Or get it off my plate, so that I don’t have to keep going the same thing over and over again. And I’ll organize it here based on priority. Put in the most important things first like the things that really move the needle. Or improve the business, I’ll put that in at the top. So, this space are reserved for the most important things. And then maybe I’ll do things like, things I’m delegating down here. And things that other people are doing down here, that I just need to monitor. So, I can kind of organize it all within the week. And still keeping it simple.

But, this is really powerful because I have a complete overview of each week. And I can always come back and look at my progress. And then based on this progress decide on how to move forward. Like, how to plan my next week but also, identify things that I can delegate or process. This is just an incredibly powerful process to repeat every single week. The same structure, the same format.

And then here is the most important part, I would say. It is the daily section. So, here I just plan every single day. So, every night I’ll plan my day in advance. There’s a couple of cool elements here I want to show you, to kind of wrap this up. Because this is like, I’ve shown you kind of the overview pages but now here we get into the day to day thing. And this helps you stay on track.

Like, every day, I’ll plan it, like I said, the night before. So, each and every day I can wake up and just focus on this page. What’s on this page. Like don’t look back, don’t think about the future, today I’m doing this. So, this is all I want to think about today and complete it. This keeps you on track because it’s really good to plan and to think long term. Right, that’s really critical. But, you don’t want to get bogged down in it either. You don’t want to always be thinking of that. I think a common thing that happens for us. Are we always thinking about the future? So, planning for the future, thinking about the future is really important. But, you also must obviously be focused through your days. And get things done because it’s all about execution. That’s the most important thing.

Here, based on the things that I planned for this day in the weekly section. So, if it’s Monday I will put things on the list. When I’m planning, I’ll put everything I want to do on Monday, here. So, then when it is Monday, the night before, I already put this in and planned it. But, now I can kind of prioritize those things even further. And kind of analyze them more. So, maybe I’ll decide to delegate some things. Maybe I’ll decide to delete some things that just actually aren’t important.

So, it’s a really cool matrix to help you kind of prioritize tasks. And to circle the one thing that’s most important that you want to start with. And then this is critical. You want to block and tackle, the most important things. So, we actually put them in here and we’ll track them as time is spent on them. And you project that out when you plan it. Like, I think this is going to me two hours. This is going to take me one hour. So, you can kind of plan the appropriate amount of work for the day. Because you also want to make sure that whatever you plan you can actually complete. So, you get really good at this with time. And then you can put in the actual time that you start working. And then you can plan out, in advance obviously, what you’re going to do at what time. Depends on the day, how much I’ll actually write in here. But, I’ll do this. And I’ll always fill this in.

And then I’ll always monitor when I start working because that’s really important that I keep a consistent start time to my work. That’s one of the keys to productivity is being able to plan and know that every day I’m starting at this time. And track yourself, make sure you do it, every day. You’re on your desk, wherever you are working. You’re ready at that time. And you start executing on the things you planned. Most importantly, the main, let’s say, three things you want to complete today. And you want to just block and tackle, block all distractions all noise and just do this until it’s complete. And then track the time it takes you. And this is going to help you get better and better. Better at planning but also, more focused because you’re tracking it. So, you aren’t spending like five hours doing this thing without realizing it.

You know exactly how much time you’re spending. And you will score yourself. There’s something called the entrepreneurial scorecard values.

90 Day Year Entrepreneur Scorecard


So, you can actually identify, what’s the most valuable thing you can do. And basically how much do you basically earn per hour, doing this thing. And you also will learn how to delegate things that don’t have high value. And do more of the things that are the highest value, yourself. Because that’s going to make you the most money.

And then here, I’ll actually customize this. I’ll put some things in here myself. And if you do get the 90 day, if you join the 90 Day Year program. Our bonus if you join us with a bonus that I created for that. If you join through us, I’ll show you exactly what I put in here. It’s evolved now, over more than two years, three years. To really make this even better for me. So, I’ve basically put some metrics and stuff in here to track myself. And stay on track, as I’ll show you in the bonus.

So, I’ll fill this out the day before and then I’ll track it here. And then, this is really cool. And the end of each I’ll score myself, so I can kind of monitor my productivity. And then also how much money I quote, unquote earned, based on the value of the tasks that I actually did that day. And then lastly, there’s ideas, goals, projects, things that come up, people want to fill out without making a note during the day here.

And then, finally at the end of the day I want to make sure I’ve already planned tomorrow. So, I’ll make note if I’ve done that. And then what I’ll actually do is, at the end of each sprint, every two weeks. I’ll actually go through every single page for the last two weeks. And I’ll write this in a tracker. So, keep track of how I’m doing with this stuff, like productivity, these things. Like, the numbers that I put in here. These are basically my own KPI’s. I’ll track this and I’ll graph it out. I’ll see it in a spreadsheet how I’m doing over time and I want to make sure I’m evolving. It’s important to work on your business but the key to your business is you.

So, I want to make sure that I’m actually growing as a person. And I can objectively measure it through this tracker and the data. And I know how I’m doing over time. If I’m getting better if I’m staying on track. If I had a good week or a bad week. I can literally see it through data, through numbers. It’s really, really powerful. You don’t have to go that far but I’m sure you can see just looking at what’s in here, how powerful it is to have this structure within this journal. So, you can always fill it out, fill it out, fill it out and learn from it. Get the data, analyze yourself, improve, plan. It’s really a powerful tool that will help you get better and better and more and more dialed in. Make sure you work on the most important things in your business.

So, I hope you enjoyed this video and it was cool for you to see, inside the 90 day year planner. I really can not stress enough how valuable it is. And it’s one of the coolest and most valuable things you’ll get with a 90 day year. And again, it really brings everything together. Yourself, how you’re doing how you’re feeling, your routine with like, your plans and business. So, it all comes together in this planner. Your business plans and your personal self into one comprehensive system. It gives you the ability to track and monitor and collect data on both your business and yourself. So, you can really review and analyze and learn and then plan ahead for the future, really effectively. And still stay on track, stay focused every single day, on what matters that day.

It’s just an amazing system. It really has every element that you want, in my opinion, in one system. And the journal is really where you put these things into action. And it’s just beautifully designed it’s created to fit the system perfectly. So, it’s really, really valuable and I’m so glad that Todd and his team actually put this together. Because it really brings everything home and again uses every single day. So, hope it was cool again for you to see inside the planner and I’ll talk to you soon.

Resources and References:

[+] 90 Day Year Program by Todd Herman

[+] Daniel’s Full Review of the 90 Day Year Program:

[+] 90 Day Year Planner Announcement:

[+] 90 Day Year Planner Details by Todd:

[+] How Do You Order Your Own 90 Day Year Planner?

How to Order the 90 Day Year Planner
Photo Credit


